Final Project - Locomotion


The dress rehearsal was the first opportunity to try all the elements of my piece together, and also the first time unfamiliar audience members were invited to control the piece. Here is a binaural recording taken of the dress run of the piece. The quality could be better, but it gives a general idea of how the piece sounded in the space.

The only real issue I found in the dress rehearsal, was that the audience members who tried controlling the piece didn't have the background knowledge I had on what movements the LEAP device would pick up. Whereas I had hoped they would be able to play and use the audible feedback of the piece to inform their movements,  The distance from the speakers to the signal box meant that they weren't able to hear the piece in enough detail.

As a result, I decided that for the performance I would give the controllers a speedy brief on controlling the LEAP, demonstrating the movement to control the frequency of a high pass filter, since that seemed to be a popular choice of movement, and explaining how to get the best results out of the device - for example, experimenting with using different hands and both hands, keeping fingers spread apart and experiment with height and distance, but not going too close.

This seemed to help, and although there were still a few issues, the audience were able to control the piece in the final performance with more ease than they did in the dress rehearsal.

It's difficult for me to review the effectiveness of the piece as a whole, since I witnessed everything from the signal box. The feedback I received from actors and audience members made it appear that the performance went well, and that the audience engaged well with the actors.
